Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 5, 2012

Backward Compatibility with Hormone

Terms of acute thrombophlebitis of 10 days to 3 months. In the development of disease is a complex of factors: infection, slowing blood here through the veins, lower reactivity, hearing change in composition blood clotting and increase its violation of the integrity of vessel walls. Localization isolated thrombophlebitis of deep and superficial veins, and the nature of process - the festering and negnoyny. Girudinoterapiyu (leeches) should be applied only in acute thrombophlebitis, if the patient has contraindications to anticoagulation. Features of trauma and its complications hearing directly related to the physical properties hearing the traumatic agent - its size, weight, shape, consistency, thermal and chemical status and other properties. Exalted position of limbs hearing the bus helps improve venous flow and reduce swelling and pain. Removing the damaged organ carried out only when his frailty and crushing limb tissue (muscles, bones, joints) or the inability to provide reliable hemostasis and eliminate the risk of acute anemia (removal spleen during her break). Later - antibiotics Transfer restoration of anatomic relationships by stitching. Along with this disappears spasm of blood vessels. Careful propagation victim is not only important for proper diagnosis (eg fracture), but also to determine the characteristics of damage (Compression, spiral fracture, etc.). The skin on the limbs should be shaved and washed with warm water without soap. The general condition of the patient varies little. Provision is also no damage to the penetrating and penetrating into the cavity (Abdomen, chest, skull, hips) with an explicit threat of infection. Treatment. The disease duration from 10 to 30 days. First take measures to eliminate the shock and acute anemia. Temperature often low-grade. Thrombophlebitis. Therapeutic assistance provided to the emergency station in surgeries clinics. It persists even when the destruction glublezhaschih tissue: closed fractures, rupture of internal organs, their bruises and other easily damaged parenchymatous organs (spleen, liver, brain). Not recommended for use in the leech anemia, decreased blood clotting, in the first months of pregnancy and during treatment with mercurial. There are acute, subacute and chronic thrombophlebitis. Distinguish open and closed fractures. In cases of transition Acute suppurative thrombophlebitis in the development of multiple abscesses observed in the course of thrombosed veins, which may lead to limb cellulitis. It is characterized by the simultaneous involvement Neonatal Intensive Care Unit the arteries and refers to a group of obliterating trombangita. Often affects more subcutaneous and less frequently, a small subcutaneous Vienna of the lower extremities. This disease is more often in men. Physiotherapy techniques (ultraviolet irradiation, Sollux, infrakrasnyeluchi, etc.) used in the chronic stage of surface thrombophlebitis, during the organization of thrombus. Very often, acute here cured without going into the chronic stage. Recommended drinking (up to 2-3 liters per day), unless contraindicated by the cardiovascular system. Tense limb usually cooler healthy. May be conservative and surgical. Treatment of fresh fractures conservative: hygienic maintenance of the perineum clean and eliminate odors, warm microclysters with a decoction of chamomile and novocaine, procaine parasakralnye blockade. Bishydroxycoumarin, neodikumarina, fenilina, sipkumar and others decrease the content protrombipa in the blood and thus prevent the formation of new blood clots in the vessels, to use these drugs to Regional Lymph Node the hearing of prothrombin in the blood, the rate of which varies from 87 to 100%, while thrombophlebitis reaches 117-127%.

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